Ryder Clips Front Clips Dealer Page

Retail customers checkout our page to purchase your Ryder Clips!
Our goal is to keep your pants down!
for Laced Boots.

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Motorcycle apparel for motorcycle boot and harley davidson boots, ryder clips are the motorcycle accessory and apparel that secure your pants when riding.

Check out our products!

The Original Ryder Clips for LACED BOOTS (front clips only ) TM

Clip to lace
Clip to pant cuff

This is a 2 sided rotating Lazy Susan point of sales rack. The Ryder Clips for LACED Boots are on one side and the Ryder Clips for STIRRUP / STRAP boots are on the other side.

Stirrup laced rack

The instructions are printed on the back of all the display cards.

Stirrup clip reverse instructions

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